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Join Us At The Bisnow Northern California Multi-Family Residential Conference

October 09, 2023

Join Bay Area multi-family residential architect AXIS at the 2023 Bisnow Multi-Family Residential Conference.

As noted and award-winning West Coast multi-family residential housing architects, we’re excited to have AXIS CEO Cory Creath attend the Bisnow Northern California Multifamily Annual Conference, October 11 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown San Francisco.

With a full-day agenda focused on discussing strategies to address the Bay Area housing crisis and approaches for optimizing Northern California’s development approval process, this is an event we’d love to encourage our Bay Area multi-family residential industry partners to attend.

If you’ll be attending the Conference, Cory would love to catch-up or get introduced. We invite you to reach out at info@axisgfa.com or through Cory’s LinkedIn profile – it would be his pleasure.

For more on the event and its agenda, visit https://www.bisnow.com/events/san-francisco/multifamily/northern-california-multifamily-annual-conference-8083